Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Career success starts with million-dollar smile

Cincinnati Dentist - Perfect SmilesYou may have heard the catchphrase "a million dollar smile," but did you know that your smile might actually help you land your dream job or snag a coveted promotion?

Nearly 74 percent of adults believe an unattractive smile can hurt a person's chances of career success, according to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. But that doesn't mean you need to spend a million dollars to enhance your teeth and your smile.

The experts say the best smiles are a result of good overall oral hygiene, not fancy whitening treatments. "People are missing the concept of keeping their gums healthy," said Dr. Harold Katz, a dentist to the stars in Los Angeles and founder of the California Breath Clinics. "Most whiteners leave one thing out and that's cleaning in-between your teeth. That's why flossing is so important." ...

Career success starts with million-dollar smile


At 9:23 AM, Blogger DRMuradThakur said...

"Career success starts with million-dollar smile" It self is a great comment.Thanks Dr. Harold Katz for your opinion. Family Dentist


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